Special Pricing! Now taking orders!
Make room in your deep freezer! These prices are only good for a short time.
Pancost Angus is now taking orders for our All Natural, Pasture-Raised, Grass Fed Beef. Our beef sold to you is Boulder County born and bred and butchered locally.
It is minimally processed and dry aged for 14-21 days. Beef is available in All-Natural Grass Fed or All-Natural Grass Fed with a Corn Finish. The corn is grown locally in Boulder County and is free of harmful pesticides, and GMO’s.
All Beef is sold on the hoof and will be delivered our butcher or a butcher or your choice. We sell in quarters, halves, and full.
Special Pricing:
Quarter- $2.55 per lb.- 213 lbs. to 300 lbs.
Half- $2.35 per lb.- 425 lbs. to 600 lbs.
Full- $2.25 per lb.- 850 lbs. to 1200 lbs.
Special Pricing:
Quarter- $2.50 per lb.- 213 lbs. to 300 lbs.
Half- $2.30 per lb.- 425 lbs. to 600 lbs.
Full- $2.20 per lb.- 850 lbs. to 1200 lbs.
Pancost Angus requires a non-refundable deposit for all orders placed.
$300 for a quarter, $500 for a half and $750 for a full.
Deposits will go towards the final sale price.
Pancost Angus